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Kategorie: gastric balloon

Glukose-Trick zum Abnehmen
"The Glucose Trick" by Jessie Inchauspé - a current bestseller and diet trend - is designed to make losing weight very easy. The book describes three simple rules to keep blood sugar levels in balance and thus avoid cravings and low moods. But what is the truth behind the glucose trick for losing weight?
Magenballon Nebenwirkungen
What am I letting myself in for and what can help me? If you are thinking about having a gastric balloon inserted, you will inevitably ask yourself about the side effects. We would like to show you very transparently what you can expect and show you ways to manage the side effects of the gastric balloon correctly.

Für was sind Flohsamenschalen gut
Your intestines grumble, pinch and cause you pain? A proven home remedy for digestive problems are psyllium husks. Learn in our article, for what psyllium husks are good: How the small seeds work against diarrhea and constipation and why they are good for a healthy digestion.

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