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Kategorie: weight loss

Mehr Gemüse essen: Korb mit Gemüse
Do you ever feel like despite your best intentions, you struggle to include an adequate amount of vegetables in your diet? Don't worry, you're not alone! In this article, you'll discover how effortlessly incorporating the 5 a Day rule can help you eat more vegetables and intelligently integrate fruits into your daily routine.

Ballaststoffreiche Lebensmittel zum Abnehmen: Haferflocken, Hülsenfrüchte, Vollkornbrötchen, Nüsse und Obst
Have you avoided pasta, pizza, bread and the like during diets so far? What if we showed you a way in which you can eat all of this and not have a guilty conscience? The magic word is: dietary fiber. Find out in our article how a high-fiber diet can help you lose weight and how you can easily incorporate this into your everyday life.

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