Gastric balloon experience review: How Antje (45) lost 34 kilos with a gastric balloon

Feel invited to meet our lovely Antje. Antje has allowed us to share her Spatz gastric balloon experience report with you. Her journey began in 2020 and 3 months ago her companion has now left her. Find out how her gastric balloon experience went before and after the gastric balloon here.
Antjes Experience before the gastric balloon
As a self-employed person in the travel industry with a lot of lust for life, Antje had a hard time, especially in the Corona period. When she contacted us in the spring of 2020, she weighed a proud 90 kilos at a height of 1.56 meters. Her dress size was 44/46 or XL/XXL. With a BMI of 37, however, it is no longer so easy to find joy in activities and exercise. The joints hurt, you are quickly out of breath and especially with children you realize once again that everything is not so easy anymore. The extra kilos simply cost her too much energy and joy of life. Of course, Antje had also tried diets, but the long-term success never materialized.
In March 2020, she turned to a gastric balloon expert in her area and had her consultation appointment a short time later. She was well educated about the procedure and her personal follow-up care, and now felt confident about taking this step…and then Corona really came along. Unfortunately, Antje had to wait another 3 months until her surgery, because non-essential medical treatments had to be postponed by decision of the federal government. Finally, on 13.06.2020 came her long-awaited big day! She sent us her gastric balloon experience report, because she, just like many other interested people, had great concerns at the beginning, whether a gastric balloon can really help her.
What is a gastric balloon?
Antje’s experience with the gastric balloon in the first 2 months

In the first few days after the gastric balloon implantation, Antja faced the usual challenges of the adjustment phase: nausea, malaise and sometimes vomiting what she had eaten or drunk. She knew that these discomforts could occur, and she coped very well with the situation. This is exactly what helped her to get more exercise in her daily life. When the gastric balloon can float freely in the stomach, it feels most comfortable. The less Antje moved in the early days, the more she felt the gastric balloon.
In the first 2 months, Antje got used to her new eating habits. Every now and then, the gastric balloon still showed her which portions and which foods were best for her with nausea or abdominal pain – but it also showed its effect. At the end of August, she told us that the first 10 kilos were already down and that she had bought a smart watch as a reward and motivation. It was still too early for her to buy new clothes, because she didn’t want to buy them until she had lost 20 kilos.
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Antje’s experience: lost almost 20 kilos in 4 months with the gastric balloon
Another two months later, in October 2020, the time had come. Antje lost a fabulous 19 kilos. But when it came to clothing, she remained ironclad, not before -20 kilos it should be new fashionable clothes, which she had previously found difficult to find with dress size 44/46. Instead, she invested in herself and her health and bought a treadmill for home.
Even without new clothes, those around her quickly noticed that Antje had not only successfully lost a lot of weight, but that her energy and zest for life were also increasing day by day. Even the second lockdown and Christmas could not harm her kilos. As an active member of the Facebook group, she exchanged great and delicious recipes for cookies, cakes or even the one or other question about foods that she saw in the supermarket but was unsure what they did to her weight.

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Antje’s experience after 9 months – almost 30 kilos and reached her desired weight?
Winter passed and slowly it became spring. And Antje also noticed that her body started the new year quite differently. At the end of March, almost exactly 1 year after she had established contact with her My Weight expert, she had reached her goal. At a height of 1.56 m, thanks to the intragastric balloon she now weighed exactly 60 kilos with a dress size of 36/38. Fashionable dress, active living and more joie de vivre were now no longer pipe dreams, but reality. But she also knew that her path would not always be so straightforward. There will also be the odd kilo that she gains or loses. But back to her old life? Never again!
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Antje’s experience report after one year of Spatz Gastric Balloon
Nevertheless, Antje’s ambition was aroused. She wanted to lose a few kilos – even if only for the summer vacation. Shortly after her success in March, she decided to try jogging. A sport that was impossible to think about with her excess kilos. Already her joints were suffering, even without activity. But now, at a normal weight, she noticed that she even enjoyed jogging regularly. Her body thanked her and by the time she was taken off in June 2021, she had lost a whopping 34 kilos in 12 months. It was only one of 45 years of life, she said at the end of her gastric balloon testimonial – but one that changed her life.

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Conclusion Antjes Spatz Gastric Balloon Experience Review
Antje’s gastric balloon was removed exactly 3 months ago today. Happy and grateful for the time, she also knows that it is now up to her alone to maintain her successes. The good habits she has developed over the year with the help of the aftercare and Facebook group are helping her. Antje is still maintaining her dream weight and is also still an active member of the Facebook group. She gives advice, exchanges ideas and thus motivates quite a few patients in gastric balloon therapy to be motivated and also to stay motivated. Because Antje knows from her Spatz gastric balloon experience “If I can do it, so can anyone else”.
Would you like to meet Antje and the other members of the group in person? You can find many more gastric balloon testimonials in the group or regularly in our blog.