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The glucose trick: lose weight in the right order!

The glucose trick

“The Glucose Trick” by Jessie Inchauspé – a current bestseller and diet trend – is designed to make losing weight very easy. The book describes three simple rules to keep blood sugar levels in balance and thus avoid cravings and low moods. But what is the truth behind the glucose trick for losing weight?

  1. How does the glucose diet work?
  2. Can the tips be scientifically confirmed?
  3. Why is the glucose trick still useful?
  4. Conclusion – Diet trend: losing weight with the glucose trick

How does the glucose diet work?

The basic idea behind the glucose diet is to stabilize blood sugar levels in order to prevent cravings and make it easier to lose weight. The connection between sugar, the metabolic hormone insulin and the formation of fatty tissue is important for this: carbohydrates, especially white flour and sugar, increase blood sugar levels, which triggers the release of insulin. Insulin promotes the uptake of glucose into the cells and stores excess energy as fatty tissue. If the blood sugar level rises very rapidly, for example because we have eaten a very sweet meal, then it drops again quickly and causes a slight “hypoglycaemia”. The body wants to compensate for this and signals a craving for sweets. So the rollercoaster of blood sugar continues. In the long term, this can lead to obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and more.

The glucose trick is intended to break this cycle. According to Jessie Inchauspé, only 3 simple rules need to be followed to maintain a stable blood sugar level:

1. Vinegar and water: 20 minutes before eating

The first rule involves taking a tablespoon of vinegar in a glass of water 20 minutes before each meal. The idea behind this is to slow down the conversion of starch into glucose, which should lead to a more stable blood sugar level.

2. First vegetables, then protein + fat and finally carbohydrates

The second rule of the glucose trick sets out a specific order for food intake: first vegetables, then foods containing protein (meat, fish, tofu, dairy products) and fat, and finally carbohydrates (pasta, rice, bread, potatoes). This sequence is intended to influence blood sugar levels and thus have a positive effect on weight loss.

3. Exercise: 20 minutes after a meal

The third rule emphasizes the importance of exercise, in the form of light physical activity such as walking. This is not about intensive sport, but about stimulating the metabolism after a meal.

Can the tips be scientifically confirmed?

Many experts support the idea behind the glucose trick of keeping blood sugar levels stable. But whether this really works with the tips mentioned is questionable. Even the author says that not all the claims have been scientifically confirmed. Although there are pilot studies and cell experiments on the tips, there are no large-scale studies that confirm the effectiveness of the glucose trick. Some scientists therefore reject the trick, while others admit that certain ideas can certainly help with weight loss, albeit not always for the reasons mentioned.

Why is the glucose trick still useful?

Despite the lack of scientific confirmation, the tricks presented have some useful approaches. Taking vinegar, for example, could also contribute to a stable blood sugar level for another reason. A cell study has shown that acetic acid reduces the release of insulin and thus prevents blood sugar levels from dropping too low. In other words, hypoglycaemia with food cravings could actually be prevented by vinegar. But here, too, it must be mentioned that so far this is more of an indication and not scientific proof.

What is fairly certain, however, is that many people find it difficult to distinguish between hunger and thirst. Drinking a glass of water first is therefore always a good idea to find out whether it really is hunger. The eating order recommended by Jessie Inchauspé can also help you lose weight, as it means that low-calorie foods are eaten first. And that is definitely useful, because you are already well satiated with plenty of vegetables and protein by the time you get to the high-calorie foods on your plate.

Another positive aspect of the glucose trick is the increased awareness of food. By focusing on a healthy diet and more activity in everyday life, the principles presented can contribute to sustainable weight loss.Logically, conscious eating and more exercise are well-known recipes for success in weight loss.

Glucose trick with gastric balloon

The book “Der Glukose-Trick” describes some tips that are also very good for patients with gastric balloons. First test whether you are really hungry by drinking a glass of water. Our gastric balloon patients also hear this from their respective weight buddies. Whether vinegar is used should be decided on a case-by-case basis, as acetic acid can cause heartburn in an already irritated oesophagus.

First vegetables, then protein and healthy fats and finally carbohydrates help with weight loss, because the first satiety comes from low-calorie vegetables. A conscious focus on nutrition also contributes to weight control and is a good addition for gastric balloon patients.

The glucose trick involves exercise after meals. This is also part of gastric balloon therapy. All three rules from the book can therefore be combined very well with the gastric balloon and are often already part of the therapy.

Conclusion – Diet trend: losing weight with the glucose trick

The glucose trick summarizes some long-known scientific theories and makes them suitable for everyday use in simple tips. However, not everything has been scientifically proven, so far there is rather a strong assumption that the glucose trick could influence blood sugar levels. Nevertheless, some tricks are useful even without proof, but sometimes for other reasons. They could lead to a more stable blood sugar level — ideal for losing weight and also for gastric balloon therapy.


Launholt, T. L., Kristiansen, C. B., & Hjorth, P. (2020). Safety and side effects of apple vinegar intake and its effect on metabolic parameters and body weight: a systematic review. European journal of nutrition59(6), 2273–2289. 

Shukla, A. P., Iliescu, R. G., Thomas, C. E., & Aronne, L. J. (2015). Food Order Has a Significant Impact on Postprandial Glucose and Insulin Levels. Diabetes care38(7), e98–e99. 

Maren - Weight Buddy- und Ernährungswissenschaftlerin

The yo-yo effect, cravings, stress - losing weight can be quite frustrating. But there is a way out for everyone. Together we will find the right solution for you. As a nutritionist at My Weight®, I support my patients individually and personally on their way to their desired weight. Losing weight can and should be fun...and we work on this together! 

Maren - Weight Buddy® and nutritionist at My Weight®

  • Weight loss specialist
  • Gastric Ballon
  • Gastric Band
  • Weight Buddy® System
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